Minnie and Toby
Minnie and Toby
Minnie and Toby are my cats. Minnie is a female cat. She is 14 years old. She has black and white fur with green eyes. She loves to play with toy mice and chase string. Her favorite play time is chasing a red laser. She loves to eat her food and people food as well. She always begs for food when my family and I eat dinner. At night, Minnie always sleeps at the end of bed and loves to be pet.
Toby is a male cat. He is 8 years old. He had orange fur with hazel eyes. Orange cats are known as tabby cats. He loves to lay around and sleep all day. He rarely gets up to play with any of his toys. The only time he gets up is when he wants to eat or stretch, but he always goes back to sleep when he’s done. He loves to cuddle on people,especially my mom. He will stare at my mom until she puts a blanket on herself so he can fall asleep on her lap. Toby also loves to lick people or give kisses as my family says. At night, he is always getting himself into trouble. He is not allowed in anyone’s bedroom because he knocks things down. Instead he knocks things down in the living room until someone keeps him company at night.
1. Play (verb): to enjoy or be involved in an activity for fun
2. Chase(verb): to catch up with someone or something
3.Favorite (adj.): to like a person or thing the most
4. Begs (verb): to ask for something multiple times
5. Fur (noun): the hair on animals
6. Tabby (adj.): a cat with dark colored stripes
7. Rarely (adverb): does not happen a lot
8. Stretch (verb): to make yourself longer; to straighten out your body
9. Trouble (noun): a problem
10. Knocks (verb): to make things fall over
Vocabulary Exercise
Directions: Fill in the following sentences using the vocabulary words.
1. The teacher had to yell at the student who was causing _________________ and talking during the test.
2. Miss D's _________________ food is pizza. She would love to eat it all the time.
3. The first grade students love to ____________________ on the playground after school.
4. After you exercise, you must _______________ your body so you do not get muscle cramps the next day.
5. In the game of tag, children have to _______________ each other to tag the next person to be it.
6. Los Angeles in California _______________ gets snow because the temperature is always warm.
7. My grandma's dog always _________________ over his water bowl. My grandma always has to clean up after him.
8. There was a lost __________________ cat that was walking around my neighborhood the other day.
9. Since I had a white cat, her _______________ can always be seen on all my black clothes. I always need to brush my clothes so they can look clean.
10. My cousin ________________ his mom for money so he can get himself a new pair of sneakers.
Grammar Point:
Pronouns: a word that takes the place of a noun or proper noun. For example, the word 'she' takes the place of the proper noun Minnie.
Grammar Exercise:
Directions: Below is a paragraph that is missing all the pronouns. Chose the correct pronoun in the ( ) to fill in the sentence.
When _________ (I/me) was younger, ______ (my/mine) cousin, Grace and ________ (I/me) would always perform shows together. __________ (Us/We) would write these shows together and perform them for ___________ (our/ours) family. ______________ (Them/They) would clap when ____________ (it/its) was over and tell ___________ (we/us) how much _____________ (they/them) enjoyed the show. After performing, Grace and _____________ (me/I) would have a snack and some juice and talk about how much fun the show was to perform.
I love the cats. I used to have a roommate nicknamed Minnie Brown, whose real name was Pat White. (The reason is a long story for another day.) I have had many cats but never a black and white one like Minnie.
ReplyDeleteA good entry overall!
This is such an adorable post! I love the pictures that you include. Your descriptive paragraph also really helped to picture what your cats look like! Great post!